%0 Journal Article %T ITMIG 2018—Prof. Edith Marom: ITMIG is an innovative, young society open to all from all disciplines %A Lu, Anne %J Mediastinum %D 2018 %B 2018 %9 %! ITMIG 2018—Prof. Edith Marom: ITMIG is an innovative, young society open to all from all disciplines %K %X The9th International Thymic Malignancy Interest Group Annual Meeting (ITMIG 2018)was held from October 24th to 27th, 2018 in Seoul, Korea. This important conferencehighlighted the latest scientific and clinical developments related to themanagement of thymic malignancies and brought together established scientistsand clinicians from all over the world who have an interest in the field ofthymic oncological research. It was a great honor for the editorial team of Mediastinumto conduct a brief interview with Prof. Edith Marom during the meeting (Figure1). %U https://med.amegroups.org/article/view/4637 %V 2 %P %@ 2522-6711