The Series Dedicated to the 8th International Thymic Malignancy Interest Group Annual Meeting (ITMIG 2017)

Posted On 2017-12-14 06:15:37

Review Article 
Induction chemoradiotherapy for unresectable thymic tumors
Michael Lanuti

Overview of the pathology of thymic neuroendocrine tumors
Luca Bertero, Jasna Metovic, Federico Vittone, Paola Cassoni, Mauro Papotti

Evolution of thymic malignancy management in Japan
Meinoshin Okumura, Yasushi Shintani, Soichiro Funaki

New options for neuroendocrine thymic tumors medical treatment
Giovannella Palmieri, Margaret Ottaviano

Pathological Features of Thymoma and Thymic Carcinoma with Therapeutic Implications
Alexander Marx, Philipp Ströbel, Berthold Schalke, Cleo-Aron Weis

The Evolution of Thymic Surgery Through The Years in Art and History
Gopal Singh, Joshua R. Sonett

From the Old to the New: The EURACAN Project
Nicolas Girard

Use of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors in Thymic epithelial tumors
Nicolas Girard

Extended Surgical Resection for Stage III Thymic Tumors
Giovanni Leuzzi, Ugo Pastorino

The role of immune checkpoint blockade for treatment of thymic epithelial tumors - a delicate balance between efficacy and side effects
Chul Kim, Giuseppe Giaccone

The series “Dedicated to the 8th International Thymic Malignancy Interest Group Annual Meeting (ITMIG 2017)” was commissioned by the editorial office, Mediastinum without any sponsorship or funding. Pier Luigi Filosso served as the unpaid Guest Editor for the series.