The series on “Locally Advanced Thymic Epithelial Tumors” was edited by Dr. Masatsugu Hamaji, MD, PhD, Department of General Thoracic Surgery, Kyoto University Hospital, Kyoto, Japan. This series discuss the pathology, therapies, staging and evaluation of thymic epithelial tumors.
Locally advanced thymic epithelial tumors: a foreword to the special series
Review Article
Genomic insights into molecular profiling of thymic carcinoma: a narrative review
Pathological snapshots of thymic epithelial tumors with invasion into neighboring structures: preparing for the forthcoming revision of the TNM classification
Postoperative radiotherapy for thymic epithelial tumors: a narrative review
Imaging of thymic epithelial tumors—a clinical practice review
Perioperative management and postoperative outcomes of locally advanced thymic epithelial tumors: a narrative review
Surgical outcomes of patients with locally advanced thymic epithelial tumor undergoing induction therapy followed by surgery: a narrative review
Re-evaluation and operative indications after induction therapy for thymic epithelial tumors
Narrative review of indication and management of induction therapy for thymic epithelial tumors
The series “Locally Advanced Thymic Epithelial Tumors” was commissioned by the editorial office, Mediastinum without any sponsorship or funding. Dr. Masatsugu Hamaji served as the unpaid Guest Editor for the series.