The series on “Management of Giant Mediastinal Tumors” was edited by Dr. Ryuichi Waseda (Fukuoka University, Japan) and Dr. Pietro Bertoglio (IRCCS Bologna University Hospital, Italy). This series provides a comprehensive overview of diagnosis and treatment of giant mediastinal tumors, covering various aspects such as histopathological features, oncological management principles, anesthetic considerations, surgical treatment options, and the role of minimally invasive surgery.
Histopathological features of giant mediastinal tumors - a literature review
Principles of medical and oncological management of giant masses of the mediastinum: a narrative review
The anesthetic management and the role of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for giant mediastinal tumor surgery
Giant tumors of the posterior mediastinum: a narrative review of surgical treatment
The role of minimally invasive surgery in the management of giant mediastinal tumors: a narrative review
A case report of a giant middle mediastinal leiomyosarcoma
An asymptomatic giant AB thymoma in a patient with Down syndrome: a case report
The series “Management of Giant Mediastinal Tumors” was commissioned by the editorial office, Mediastinum without any sponsorship or funding. Drs Ryuichi Waseda and Pietro Bertoglio served as the unpaid Guest Editors for the series.